Remote operations - mimeo shadow robotics stage 3

31 January 2024
Focus area: Hands-off processing
Program stream: Advanced manufacturing
Project number: 2023-1039
Leveraging the work completed in Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Shadow Robot development project, this study made up stage 3 of the overall project. Specifically, the purpose of stage 3 was to progress the previous development of a proof-of-concept shadow robot system, to a production prototype system trialled within a meat processing facility. 

In January 2023, Mimeo worked with JBS Foods Australia at JBS’ Brooklyn processing facility to scope potential applications for deploying the shadow robot technology. In October, the shadow robot platform was further developed to incorporate two end-effectors and conveyor picking/carcase chain software, and was then tailored for two applications – conveyor packing and hock cutting. In December, a prototype system was tested in a processing facility for the conveyor packing application.

Mimeo plans to implement several improvements to the system to advance the application of operator-informed, conveyor picking and packing.
Previous in this focus area 03 January 2023 Astech PW bandsaw (hands free) set weight Next in this focus area 31 May 2022 Remote operations – remote guided robots - stage 1